Responsibilities and Permissions
Getting clear about which roles your group needs to accomplish its goals, and distributing those roles to members allows everyone in the group to understand who is doing what and progress together.
Platform Responsibilities
Stewarding a group comes with responsibilities. Platform responsibilities are built into Hylo and give access to specific functionality related to the platform. They are associated with the Common Roles that all groups start with.
Administration Allows for editing group settings, exporting data, and deleting the group.
Add Members The ability to invite and add new people to the group, and to accept or reject join requests. Remove Members The ability to remove a member from the group. Manage Content Adjust group topics, custom views and manage content that contradicts the agreements of the group. Ex: when content appears in your community that violates your agreements, you can remove that post from the group.
Common Roles (See Roles & Badges)
Common roles are shared across all Hylo groups and give access to important platform responsibilities (listed above).
Coordinators are empowered to manage everything related to group administration:
Add members
Remove Members
Manage Content
Remove Members
Manage Content
Add Members
Custom Roles & Badges
Last updated
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