Member Profiles

Member profiles on Hylo are rich with information!

Click on a member anywhere in Hylo to view their profile and learn more about them.

  • You can see a person’s location, tagline, β€œabout me” text, skills & interests, and links to other social accounts, if they are linked.

  • You can also see Hylo Groups they are a part of and whether they are a member or moderator.

  • Clicking on a person’s Skill or Interest will search Hylo for posts, comments, or people tagged with that Skill or Interest.

  • You will also see a stream of all of their recent activity - including posts, comments, upvotes. One can navigate to their own user profile to see this stream of their activity!

  • Click the envelope icon under their banner to directly message them.

  • To block a member, click the three vertical dots below their header image. This will allow you to block this member so that you don’t see their content. You can unblock a user in your settings.

What you can see on a member profile

Last updated